
Connecting Employers With Military Veterans!

KEYW is an adaptable, powerfully capable company whose members have made many important, creative contributions to science, defense, space and the intelligence community. We take pride in these contributions to security and the quality of life. Even more, we are grateful to our customers for entrusting critically important tasks to us. The people of KEYW take on new challenges with confidence and commitment. We are an unbeatable team with the technical, management and financial capacity to perform the tough assignments of the future.

KEYW is building a "total solutions company" that will be more agile than larger competitors and will focus on solving the “hard problems”. Our operating philosophy is to be responsive, agile, and focused on solving our customers’ difficult problems. Our core capabilities include: hardware and software development, system integration, test and evaluation, field support, computer and network operations, information security and specialized training.

Our success is due in large part to our commitment to more than just do work for our customers, but instead to partner with them at every conceivable level. While such partnerships bring programmatic success, we measure ourselves by the real-world impacts and successes these partnerships have and will achieve.